
As Barry Goldwater once said “My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.”  There are too many laws, too many regulations, too many taxes!

I want you to have the freedom to live your life without interference from the government. CATO Institute recently ranked Texas 49th out of 50 states in personal freedom.  I know we can do better than that!  Texans are proud and independent. I want to get the government off your back!

Government Overreach and Individual Freedom

My top priority is to reduce government intrusion by repealing unnecessary laws, regulations, and taxes. This will empower individuals to live freely, without excessive government burdens stifling their personal and economic choices.

Immigration Reform

We need to streamline the legal immigration process, making it faster and more efficient for people who want to contribute to our economy. I also advocate for ending drug prohibition, which fuels cartel violence and dangerous border crossings, ensuring safer, orderly immigration.

Climate Change and Market Innovation

Government regulation is not the answer to climate change. Instead, we should incentivize private sector innovation and property rights to find sustainable solutions, reducing the federal role and promoting individual and market-based efforts.


Fiscal Responsibility and Inflation

The rising cost of living is a direct result of fiscal irresponsibility by our lawmakers. I will fight against reckless spending, stop money printing that devalues our currency, and promote policies that ensure long-term economic solvency.